Changes Made in the Language.XML File are not Reflected on the Portal UI ( Portal Style 4 Only)
over 13 years ago
| Article no. 4461
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KB 9.0.1.X
In the Knowledgebase application, there is an option to localize the customer portal.
As per the "nGenKB901WhatsNewguide" localizing the customer portal is accomplished by doing the following
The steps listed above works perfectly for the Legacy style portal's ( Portal Style 1, 2 and 3). However, this did not work for Portal Style 4. Any changes made in the language.XML were not reflected on the Portal Style 4.
As per the "nGenKB901WhatsNewguide" localizing the customer portal is accomplished by doing the following
The steps listed above works perfectly for the Legacy style portal's ( Portal Style 1, 2 and 3). However, this did not work for Portal Style 4. Any changes made in the language.XML were not reflected on the Portal Style 4.
This has been fixed in KB 9.0.1 HF4 onwards.
The Internal development tracking number is: TFS 20053
The below information explains the localization string reading.
1. Tab/Modules names are reading from the following table based on the portal language
select cmn_moduleid as cmo_moduleID, cmn_moduleid as cmo_order,
cmn_modulename from tb_knbcportalmoduleordernametr where cmn_langid=xxx
2. Widget managment titles are read from the following table based on the portal language.
select * from tb_knbportalwidgetmanagementtypetr
3. In the remaining all other places, the language strings are read from XML files.