Knowledgebase Subscription Mails not Received


All versions of Knowledgebase.


Customers who have subscribed to Knowledgebase articles are not receiving email updates.


This can be caused by two different scenarios. The Knowledgebase may be incorrectly configured or the SMTP service may not be running.


Article Subscription Overview
In Knowledgebase, a Portal visitor (customer) can subscribe to articles and then be notified by e-mail when the article is updated or changed. When the user is viewing the article, they will be able to choose the subscribe option, and enter their e-mail address to either subscribe to the article, or unsubscribe from an article for which they have previously subscribed.

You can enable the subscription for a particular portal from the Portal Customization area in the Portal tab on the KB Admin Control Panel.

Article subscription can be enabled for articles at the time of creation, as well as from the Article Properties page.

Configuration items to check:

Portal Tab

You can enable article subscription for a Portal from the Portal Customization area. When article subscription is selected, the subscribe icon appears in the Portal with the articles that have subscription enabled, so customers can click the icon and enter their email address to subscribe to the article.

To enable article subscription for a portal:

  1. Log in to the KB Admin Control Panel with an Internal User account that has administration privileges.
  2. From the Portal tab, click Configure on the Portal Customization frame.
  3. On the Customization Options page, click Edit in the Article Display frame.
  4. In the Article Information Features area, select Article Subscription then click Save.

Content Tab
From the Article Subscription area in the Content tab, an Administrator can also manually subscribe and unsubscribe users to articles, in addition to the user subscriptions that take place from a portal.

To add article subscription from the content tab

  1. Log in to the KB Admin Control Panel with an Internal User account that has administration privileges.
  2. From the Content tab, click Article Subscription.
  3. Click New Subscriber. The e-mail setting screen appears.
  4. In the Email Address text box, type the subscriber's email address.
  5. Click Save.

You can enable subscription for individual articles from the Article Management section. Clicking the article title takes you to the article properties page. Using the Add New Property icon, you can enable subscription for the article that you are working on.

Category Subscription.

A Category Subscription allows user(s) to receive notification when ANY article in a given category is updated. This option is managed from the Article Subscription section on the Content tab, and CANNOT be subscribed to from the Customer Portal.

To add an article subscription while creating a new article, see Managing Content (chapter 12) in the KB Users Manual.

Note: In the Administration tab, Email Administration section, there is an area where the Administrator can turn on the subscription option for the knowledgebases. When an article is updated, e-mail can be sent out to subscribers. The Administrator can also customize the template that gets e-mailed. In order for the subscription e-mails to be sent, the notification must be enabled for the knowledgebase from this section.

Once an author updates an article, there is a link on the article properties page they can click to notify the subscribers. This option is provided because minor article edits may not require notifying the subscriber base. To notify subscribers of article updates, the author must click the “notify subscribers” link, otherwise no e-mails will be sent.

Additionally, once an External User has used the subscribe / unsubscribe feature, their e-mail(s) will appear in the Article Subscription section under “External Users.” (drop-down box in upper right corner). You can use the same subscription features as with the manually added Unregistered users.

Administration Email Address:
IIS requires a "From email address" in ASP web mail forms.  If this is not configured your email will not be sent.  To configure a "From address", in the KB Admin Control Panel, go to Administration then  System Settings and enter a valid email address in the Administration address field. 

SMTP Service:
The SMTP service must be running in order for email to be sent from the application server.  If you suspect that your SMTP service is not running, please consult your local Systems Administrator.





If you have additional questions, please contact our Support group at 877-373-7848 (option 2) or via email at