All versions of Moxie Channels NetAgent 'On Premise' instances.
Enabling Detailed ASP.NET Errors for CIM Channels NetAgent
about 12 years ago
| Article no. 3664
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When webpages in NetAgent cannot be accessed, a ‘friendly’ error message similar to the one below is displayed by default.
Support may need a more detailed error message to determine the root cause of the webpage not displaying. Enabling a detailed error message is accomplished by editing the web.config file located in the http directory on the Moxie Channels server. (i.e.: drive:\Program Files\nGenera\Netagent Server\IP Address\http). Open the web.config file in Notepad and make the following changes:
Support may need a more detailed error message to determine the root cause of the webpage not displaying. Enabling a detailed error message is accomplished by editing the web.config file located in the http directory on the Moxie Channels server. (i.e.: drive:\Program Files\nGenera\Netagent Server\IP Address\http). Open the web.config file in Notepad and make the following changes:
- Under DYNAMIC DEBUG COMPILATION, change the value for debug= from “false” to "true"
- Under CUSTOM ERROR MESSAGES, change the value for Set mode=”On” to "RemoteOnly"
Save the changes and close the file.
This configuration will allow the detailed error messages to display when the problem webpage is accessed from the Moxie Channels NetAgent server.
CIM Administrators attempting to resolve webpage display issues.
Inportant: Be sure to change the value for debug= back to "false" and the value for mode= back to "On" once the webpage issue has been resolved.
If you have trouble performing these steps, or have additional questions, please contact our Support team at 877-373-7848 (option 2) or via email at