How to Locate the Install Link for Instant Publisher on a Local Machine When the Downloads Area is Not Present When Internal User Logs into the Admin Panel
almost 14 years ago
| Article no. 3774
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Knowledgebase all versions
Steps to resolve this:
1. An administrator must log in to the Knowledgebase Admin Panel
2. Go to the Administration Tab
3. Go to Internal Users
4. Identify the internal user that cannot see the downloads area on the homepage when they log in to the admin panel
5. Make a note of what internal profile the user is using (It's on the right side of the page in the last column)
6. Go to the Internal Access Profile on the left
7. Locate the profile that the internal user has applied to them.
8. On the right side of the profile look for User Home Page Modules
9. Make sure the Downloads section is checked
10. Save and close
1. An administrator must log in to the Knowledgebase Admin Panel
2. Go to the Administration Tab
3. Go to Internal Users
4. Identify the internal user that cannot see the downloads area on the homepage when they log in to the admin panel
5. Make a note of what internal profile the user is using (It's on the right side of the page in the last column)
6. Go to the Internal Access Profile on the left
7. Locate the profile that the internal user has applied to them.
8. On the right side of the profile look for User Home Page Modules
9. Make sure the Downloads section is checked
10. Save and close
Internal users that would like to publish documents that were created in third party utilities like MS Word to their Knowledgebase.
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