Where to Find the Autonomy Based Knowledgebase's Noise Files

This article applies to Knowledgebase 8.1.X and later.  For older versions of Knowledgebase please see article 2809

The Knowledgebase application uses a noise word list.  There noise files are located in "Disk Drive":\Program Files\Knowledgebase.Net\Autonomy\IDOLServer\IDOL\langfiles, in addition to that the spell check in the Knowledgebase also creates a stop list.  In that directory there will be files using the following format:

Both files must be checked, and the content modified and verified for the words you desire to classify as "noise" files and not be searchable by Autonomy.

If the portal is not in English then files with similar format indicating the correct language will be located in the same path.   

It is possible to customize the noise files however it should be noted that this can cause inaccurate and odd search results as the noise files were created by excellent programmers for filtering words.  Changing the files can create a detrimental effect on your search results. 

Autonomy reset after making any changes in either of these files is required.

For any questions or concerns about noise files please email our Support team at CIMsupport@moxiesoft.com or call on the phone 1-877-373-7848 (option 2).  Thanks!