Ecrmlogs Database Not Created During a Fresh Installation of KB 9.0


Knowledgebase 9.0 fresh installs.


After installation, the ecrmLogs database does not exist on the SQL Server. An error will be found in the logs indicating that the database could not be created during the KB 9.0 fresh installation process.


This issue is resolved in later KB version after KB 9.0.

However, here is a workaround below:

1.      Completely uninstall KB 9.0 by the following uninstall instructions.

2.      Shrink the model database in SQL Server to less than 2 MB.

a.       Log into the server in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

b.      Open the Database tree.

c.       Open the System Databases tree.

d.      Right click the model database and chose Properties

e.       In the General page, examine the database size.

                                                              i.      If the size is less than 2 MB continue to F

                                                            ii.      If the size is greater than 2MB:

1.      Close the Properties window.

2.      Right click the model database and select Tasks>Shrink>Database.

3.      Shrink the database to smaller than 2MB.

4.      Click “OK”

f.       Right click the model database and select Properties again.

g.      Under the Files Page, set the Initial Size (MB) to 2MB.

h.      Click OK.

3.      Reinstall KB 9.0 database portion over again and this time it will work and create the ecrmLogs database.


This issue occurs when the Model database in SQL Server is larger than 2MB and KB 9.0 is installed as a fresh installation. The model database is used as a Template for all databases, which are created in SQL server.

If you have trouble performing these steps, or have additional questions, please contact our Support team at 877-373-7848 (option 2) or via email at