Secured Summary in KB is not Working
over 13 years ago
| Article no. 4439
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Knowledgebase 8.3.X and later
In Knowledgebase articles that have multiple bodies can be created ( via Article templates) and have these article bodies restricted by Article Groups on the Customer Portal. When this particular article is viewed on the portal only the allowed sections of the article are displayed on the Portal.
For Example: The below article has 3 bodies
Article : Test
Internal: This section is to be shown only on the "Internal Portal"
External: This section is to be shown on both the "Internal and External Portal"
Comments: This section is to be shown on both the "Internal and External Portal"
Now, Using Article group restrictions on the Customer portal and the Article template ensures that when the above article is seen on an "External Portal" the article shows only 2 sections . i.e. the "External" and "Comments" sections only [ Working as expected]
However, when this article is searched on the portal, in the search results the summary that gets populated for this article includes "text" from the "Internal" section as well. This way the external users end up viewing a part of the "restricted section".
For Example: The below article has 3 bodies
Article : Test
Internal: This section is to be shown only on the "Internal Portal"
External: This section is to be shown on both the "Internal and External Portal"
Comments: This section is to be shown on both the "Internal and External Portal"
Now, Using Article group restrictions on the Customer portal and the Article template ensures that when the above article is seen on an "External Portal" the article shows only 2 sections . i.e. the "External" and "Comments" sections only [ Working as expected]
However, when this article is searched on the portal, in the search results the summary that gets populated for this article includes "text" from the "Internal" section as well. This way the external users end up viewing a part of the "restricted section".
This has been fixed in KB 8.32 Hotfix 5 and KB 9.0.1 Hotfix 4 and later.
TFS 19694 is the internal development tracking number.
For the secured summary to work, please ensure have the following key in the Registry of the "KB Application Server"