External User Passwords with a Special Character Breaks Autonomy Search.

Technical Solutions & Known Issues
External User Passwords with a Special Character Breaks Autonomy Search.
This Article Applies To:

Knowledgebase all versions
Issue Description:

All Knowledgebase users that create any external portal profile with a password, which need to access a secure or personalized portal that is utilizing portal styles, 1, 2, 3.

    Replication Steps
    1. Use portal style 1, 2 or 3 with secure or personalized features enabled.
    2. Go to the External Profile and make sure it has access to the targeted secure or personalized portal.
    3. For testing purpose activate enough Knowledgebase articles to have content available in the secure or personalized portal.
    4. Log in to the external portal and using the settings tab change the external user's password to a password containing the ampersand (&) character
    5. Log out of the portal
    6. Log back in with the new password
    7. Perform a search on the personalized or secure portals style 1, 2, 3 the search will retrieve (0-0) results.

Note: This issue with special characters does not affect Portal Style 4 portals.

    Root Cause:

    This is known issue for PS 1, 2, 3 and it is by design. The legacy portals (1, 2, 3) use searchwebservice. When a "&" is entered in the search parameter, it is an invalid xml content and the search does not function correctly.  The application does serialization of the search parameters before to call the search command on search engine.
    Solution or Work Around:

    All Knowledgebase users that create any external portal profile with a password should be going by the guidance below when creating passwords for their external access profiles. Which are used to access a secure or personalized portal that is utilizing portal styles, 1, 2, 3.

    Below are the characters that will not work for External Passwords.

    ·Characters that don't work: &, <,

    Additionally below are the characters that will work for External Passwords.

    ·Characters that do work: !, @, #, $, %, ^, *, (, ), _ , -, +, = , ?, [, ], {, }, \, /, |, >, ~,

    Affected Systems & Users:

    All Knowledgebase users that create any external access portal profile with a password, which needs to access a secure or personalized portal that is utilizing portal styles, 1, 2, 3.

    Additional Information:

    This issue will be corrected in Knowledgebase 9.0.3 which is tentatively scheduled for launch in later December of 2011.  If additional information is required please contact our Support team at the number listed below and ask about the development team's internal tracking number TFS 27247 and 27432.
    Escalation Procedure:

    If you have additional questions, please contact our Support team at +1 877-373-7848 (option 2) or via email at cimsupport@moxiesoft.com.

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